About Us


not really an us at present but getting there

I would like to tempt a handfull of knowledgeable folks to help to get this started by adding their bit and believe once it starts to build up and get interesting others will follow. There are thousands of Hunters searching for their roots or wishing to learn of their past. There are probably a hundred actively searching for an ancestor in Alloa e.g. and how many have bought documents online to hopefully help in their search. The document providors must be pleased, wouldn't it be nice to have a copy uploaded here. It could only help others and therefore them too.

How many Hunters make a pilgrimage to the "homeland". For some it will be a once in a lifetime trip. Memories to last a lifetime. Wouldn't it be nice to have travel tips from those who have trod that path before. Do's and don'ts, where things are and what you need to know. The perfect trip, no lingering regrets, "if only we had known?"

It would be nice to see some actual history of Hunters

A dedicated Hunter forum with who, what and where. Facebook is good for selfies and self promotion but doesn't cut it for depth and digital storage.

Peter Hunter